Bethlehem Royal hospital(Bedlam)

Тема в разделе "Medical issues", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 4/5/14.

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    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    The official name of Bethlehem Royal hospital - eng. Bethlem Royal Hospital), the original name of the hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, psychiatric hospital in London.
    Name Bedlam became a household name, first synonymous with the madhouse, and later term for extreme confusion and disorder.
    London Bethlehem hospital for the mentally ill (eng. Bethlehem hospital for insane) built opposite the famous tower. Here in 1547 was taken to the insane, and "blessed". In 1815 on this place was built a giant, exemplary at that time the hospital for the mentally ill there is not kept in chains and not starved.
    Staff in Bedlam carefully selected, sKilled doctors, psychiatrists and doctors studying this constantly changing and multifaceted branch of clinical medicine as psychiatry.
    Patients in Bethlehem hospital come with a variety of diagnoses, and if the diagnosis is difficult, the patient first study, and then try to bring individual course of treatment. Such patients is constantly watching, exploring the unknown mental disorder, also the first thing you are irritant or reason, they check how far can this psychological discharge of the patient, and only after that by trial and error selected methods of treatment. Not very humane, but anyway, you need to know exactly what you are dealing with.
    The tasks of psychiatry: Recognition means not only diagnose, but also the study of the etiology, pathogenesis, course and outcome of mental disorders. Treatment, besides therapy, includes the organization of psychiatric care, prevention, rehabilitation, and social aspects of psychiatry.
    Many physicians hospital assume the existence of the soul or psyche as something independent of the body, something that can ill and that can be treated by itself, of course not all, because specialists are all different, but such a hypothesis, many doctors and scientists is the place to be.
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