Grow Box own hands

Тема в разделе "Grow Room Design & Setup", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 4/5/14.

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    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    Growbox own hands

    Today grow box, they are also mini-greenhouses, considered to be the most popular inventions for home growing plants. Often growers don't want to get ready "wardrobe for cultivation, and prefer to make grow box own hands. This allows you to save a considerable amount of money you will need to buy seeds plants of valuable breeds. Today there are many options and ways to build grow box so that he had the same functions as a factory. Consider the basic kinds of manufacture of mini-greenhouses and how to make grow box own hands.

    Growbox out of the closet is a universal model

    The popularity of growbox out of the closet or the old chest, caused by the fact that this furniture is of the right size for the growing of one culture, but several of the necessary plants.

    To create a mini-greenhouses out of the closet to require a minimum number of instruments:

    putty knife, hammer, hammer, stapler, tape measure, pencil, scissors;
    sandpaper, PVA and a drill.
    This set is available practically in every home.
    To create the greenhouses will need:
    lamp ECL, 2 fans (coolers),
    the wires, switches, thermometer, forks, cartridges,
    Fiberboard, white paint or foil.

    After all tools are assembled, it is necessary to remove excess shelf in the closet, leaving only a place for growing and storage space for all the electronics.

    The scheme of connection of electrical equipment


    Growbox of the system unit - simple
    Manufacture of growbox from the old system unit is the easiest and most uncomplicated way. The main purpose of the greenhouse - to be invisible to others eyes. Objective pursued by growbox stealth maximum amount of light in minimum space.

    Growbox from the system unit.
    The build system mini-greenhouses from the chassis very simple. For its production will also need the tools and materials mentioned above, but without DVP and boards. The inner part of the system unit should be pasted reflective foil (foil, penofol), connect the lamp may move coolers. Connect timers, switches and sensors. Be either the pallet with the land, or a pot.

    The calculation of lighting in growbox

    We offer you to familiarize yourself with the table of calculation of the power lamps on the square box:

    Lighting calculations on two dimensions box:
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