Amsterdam Coffeeshops Guide Tcoffeeshophe following pages are for the purposes of education and inf

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    Che Guevara

    Che Guevara Хорошо известный

    Amsterdam Coffeeshops Guide
    The following pages are for the purposes of education and information only. This should not be .

    Coffeeshops, not to be confused with cafés, have been a part of Amsterdam since the 1970s, when the Dutch government made a clear distinction in the law between 'hard' and 'soft' drugs. Unlike Amsterdam's fully legal smart shop, coffeeshops have always existed in a legal grey area. Today, Amsterdam's City Council, through agreement with the coffeeshop union Bond van Канабис Detaillisten (BCD), allows coffeeshops to operate with the provision of set, non-transferable licences – shown by the display of an official, green and white sticker in the window.

    One of the major events for coffeeshops in Amsterdam is, which takes place towards the end of November, during the week of Thanksgiving. This major smoking event usually leads to coffeeshop crawls and Канабис clouds throughout the city.

    The Netherlands has a special tolerance policy on soft drugs, but if we look at the laws:
    - Possession of drugs is punishable, again, with a maximum of 5 grams of Канабис (weed, marihuana or hash) the police will seize the drugs, but you can give them up and you will not be prosecuted.
    - If you have more soft drugs than the quantity for personal use (5 gram) you will be fined and risk a prison sentence
    - Minors are not allowed to have any drugs, the tolerance policy does not apply to them, so you must be 18 or over to buy drugs
    - Growing weed at home is illegal, however 5 plants or less you can give them up and you will generally not be prosecuted
    - Hard drugs are not allowed, import and export of drugs is illegal,
    - You cannot smoke in public, and use of soft drugs like smoking weed is not allowed either

    Coffee shops
    You must get to a coffee shop to buy weed. You’ll find about 200 coffee shops in Amsterdam, so there is always one close to your location. Although coffee shops are not allowed to make any advertising, you will be able to identify them easily. Official Dutch coffee shops have a green and white licence sticker in the window. In order to enter a coffee shop, you must be 18 or over and have an ID. Coffee shops are not allowed to sell alcohol.
    Most coffee shops have a menu. Since coffee shops are not allowed to do any advertising, you will generally not find any details posted on the door or even inside. Just ask the person at the counter for the menu, and they’ll give you what you need. A general rule of thumb is: the more expensive, the stronger the weed. For inexperienced smokers a gram of weed will get you high about 6 times and you should be able to make at least 3 joints nice from a single gram. Ask for advice if you are not sure, these people are here to make sure everything is safe.

    Some tips
    from coffee shops in Amsterdam.

    To round it all off, we have or I should say had the “Wietpas”? What was it? Up to 19 November 2012, many of the coffee shops in the Southern provinces of the Netherlands required you to have a “weedpass”, an official membership card which allowed you to buy drugs. These would be issued only to the locals. The idea was to stop the drug tourism. Nowadays an ID and the proof of residency (extract from the Municipal Personal Records Database) suffice and “Wietpas” does not exist anymore. Amsterdam has always been an exception, so any tourist could enter a coffee shop and buy some weed.

    These entries are independent editorial reviews and should not be considered as advertising in any way. If you feel any information to be inappropriate, please right now.

    When you would like to try growing your own Amsterdam quality buds at home, check out the seed shop of Royal Queen Seeds. They have been developing high quality Канабис seeds for over 20 years and guarantee worldwide safe shipping.


    Jonge Roelenstg 12 -14, 1012 PL Amsterdam

    Chilled out, rambling coffeeshop with two locations in the city centre. Colourful mosaics and large couches dominate, giving Abraxas a real hippy feel.

    Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 77-79, 1017 PW Amsterdam

    Almost at the Leidseplein, this is the Internet coffeeshop, but also has a bar and pool tables.

    Vijzelgracht 47, 1017 HP Amsterdam

    Very little basement club, just downstairs from the sidewalk, don't bump your head. Not a tourist place (what is also good for tourists of course!), but a quite friendly crew, stuff at little prices.

    Oudebrugsteeg 27, 1012 JN Amsterdam

    Laid back coffee shop with a pub atmosphere, friendly staff and a very central location. Alternative music and David Attenborough documentaries help make this a place to spend all day in.

    Warmoesstraat 64, 1012 JH Amsterdam

    Energetic tourist coffee shop in a great location on the edge of the Red Light District. Loud music and large windows make this a place for people watching rather than conversation.

    Rembrandtplein 24, 1017 CV Amsterdam

    Busy, neon-lit tourist coffee shop located on the teeming tourist and nightlife centre of Rembrantplein. Pool tables and a nice menu make up for the touristy feel and cheesy music.

    Haarlemmerstraat 44, 1013 ES Amsterdam

    A pink pig marks the entrance to this warm and friendly coffeshop where Pinkfloyd music is often on play. Here you can surf the Internet while enjoying a sandwich - just short walk from the central station.

    Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 145 - 147, 1017 PZ Amsterdam

    A unique coffeeshop and hotel located just off Leidseplein. Lively crowd of tourists, expats and locals, with a publike atmosphere and a large smoking lounge.

    Oudebrugsteeg 16, 1012 RD Amsterdam

    A spacious touristy coffeeshop just off Damrak towards red lights, with a terrace in summer, plus a bar and restaurant upstairs.

    Vijzelgracht 33, 1017 HN Amsterdam

    The first coffeeshop in Amsterdam ever, a smoking reminder of 70s, still an enjoyeable break from the packed tourist places in the centre.

    Haarlemmerstraat 102, 1013 Amsterdam

    Famous family of Amsterdam coffee shops and cafés mostly found on the same street corner. The award-winning Barney’s Coffeeshop offers high quality, and high priced, products and a busy atmosphere, as well as tasty food in the Barney’s Uptown sister location.

    Albert Cuypstraat 25, 1072 CK Amsterdam

    Very unusual coffee shop with chess boards on every table and a recording studio in the back. De Graal is one of those hidden gems of the Amsterdam coffee shop scene that it takes a local to find.

    Sint Antoniesbreestraat 71, 1011 HB Amsterdam

    Popular with backpackers, the coffee shop is crowded on the weekends, so show up early or prepare to fight for a seat.

    Nieuwmarkt 16, 1012 CR Amsterdam

    With a more welcoming atmosphere than its sister location on the other side of the Red Light District, this little coffee shop has a great terrace for sun lounging as well as a comfortable smoking room inside.

    Kerkstraat 39, 1017 GB Amsterdam

    Lively and smoke-friendly cafe conveniently located near to Leidsplein. Coffee, beer, all kind of drinks. Free wi-fi Internet is also available around. Thought, not selling gear anymore...

    Leidseplein 17, 1017 PS Amsterdam

    Bulldog bar (up-stairs) and coffeeshop (basement) is a famous attraction at the Leidseplein, often visited by large organized groups of tourists.
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