Durban Poison

Тема в разделе "Grade of cannabis", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 3/6/14.

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    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    Durban Poison-
    Homeland varieties Durban Poison is South Africa, but after Dutch Passion has brought him to the Netherlands he is manufactured in Europe. Many wonder genetic purity of the variety of seeds Канабис, because it never crossed with other types of Канабис and therefore retains its natural qualities.

    Durban Poison are the seeds absolute Sativa with unique genetics, untouched by human hand. But the manufacturer still has shared with us a little secret concerning genetics! If you cross this variety with long flowering varieties it is possible to significantly reduce the period of flowering.

    Inflorescences and leaves of this plant are quite large relative varieties not different "sativa" genetics, because Sativa is famous for big crops. Refreshing notes lakritsi and Anisa in aroma will give you strength and cheer. Wavy effect doesn't make you bored,

    Durban Poison has earned its popularity due to its excellent performance in the open and closed ground.
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