Hydroponics Is The Way To Grow

Тема в разделе "Hydroponics / Aeroponics", создана пользователем LegalizeR, 4/5/14.

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    When it comes to gardening the ganja indoors, there are a few different methods in which one can cultivate their crops. One of the most popular procedures among gardeners with limited growing space is to use a hydroponic system.

    Hydroponic gardening systems offer the indoor gardener that is attempting to grow the ganja in tight confines a way to maximize their yield without having to sacrifice a huge amount of living space. Furthermore, hydroponics has been proven to have quite a few advantages over soil cultivation.

    Not only is the growth rate on a plant being cultivated using a hydroponic gardening system reportedly shown to be 30 to 50 percent faster than a soil plant, grown under the same conditions, but the overall yield of the plant is also superior.

    Scientists have confidence that there are several reasons for the drastic differences between hydroponically grown plants and those grown in soil. The extra oxygen in the growing mediums used in hydroponic gardening systems serves as a major advantage due to the fact that it helps to stimulate root growth. It has also been established that plants that receive an ample supply of oxygen to their root systems will also absorb nutrients faster.

    The nutrients that are used in a hydroponic gardening system are mixed with the system’s water supply which sends the nutrient solutions directly to the plant’s root system. This particular growing system is truly favorable when time is a major factor because the plant doesn’t have to search throughout soil for the nutrients that it requires which in turn increases growth rate. The nutrient solutions are being administered to the plant several times throughout the day via adding it manually or it can be set up to be delivered to the system’s water basin mechanically.

    When soil is taken out of the cultivation equation, now the plant requires very little energy to find and break down nutrients. The hydroponically cultivated plant will use this saved energy to grow at a greater pace and will stimulate a grander production of buds.

    It’s been shown that crops that are cultivated using a hydroponic gardening system will also experience fewer problems with pest infestations. It apparently also cuts down on the risk of contracting plant funguses and general crop diseases.

    Ganja gardeners that have used both soil and hydroponic techniques claim that crops that have been cultivated using hydroponic gardening systems appear to be much healthier and happier plants compared to that of a soil grown crop.

    Growing ганжа hydroponically not only offers the gardener a plethora of benefits in comparison to using soil, but it’s also more favorable for the environment due to the fact that hydroponic gardening systems use considerably less water than soil gardening, because of the constant reuse of the nutrient solutions.

    As we mentioned before, the lack of soil offers the hydroponic gardener a decreased risk of pest problems and funguses which means there is a diminished need for the use of pesticides, insecticides and fungicides which also welfares the health of our environment.

    Although growing the ganja using a hydroponic gardening system may sound simpler than cultivating your crops with soil, the origin of the word hydroponics originates from two Greek words, “hydro” meaning water and “ponics” meaning labor, so there is still a little work involved, but you will soon learn that it is a labor of love.

    This particular method of cultivating crops isn’t as new as most gardeners would believe. The actual concept of soilless gardening or hydroponics has been around for thousands of years. The hanging Gardens of Babylon and The Floating Gardens of China are two of the earliest proven examples of hydroponic gardening. Scientists began to experiment with soilless gardening somewhere around the year 1950. Ever since that time other countries, such as Holland, Germany, and Australia have used hydroponics for crop production with reportedly remarkable results.

    When we look at the history of hydroponic gardening we find that its creation corresponds directly with the introduction of plastics. This invention would allow for plastic-lined garden beds in greenhouses which replaced the inferior concrete beds. Plastics were used not only in the glazing of greenhouses, but were also important in the introduction of drip irrigation which is one of the common methods of growing hydroponically.

    The chief advantages of using hydroponic controlled environment agriculture (CEA) include high-density maximum crop yields and it gives gardeners an opportunity to produce crops where no suitable outdoor soil exists or growing outdoors isn’t even an option. It is also important to factor in the practical insignificance to ambient temperature and seasonality, the more efficient use of water and fertilizers, minimal use of grow space, the system’s suitability for automation and the reduced need for disease and pest control.

    So, if you’re contemplating cultivating your own ганжа supply you might want to consider giving hydroponic controlled environment agriculture a try. Besides, what gardener doesn’t like the sound of faster growing crops that provide bigger harvests all while decreasing the negative impact on the environment? It’s a win, win, win scenario! Grow on and keep it green!
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