Most Common ганжа Plant Problems

Тема в разделе "Marijuana Plant Problems", создана пользователем LegalizeR, 3/5/14.

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    This overview includes images of the most common problems associated with Канабис cultivation

    Typical signs of eutrophication:
    The leaves fold in the middle
    The leaves feel more harsh.
    The tips sheet curling
    Gray / brown spots may occur on the blade.
    The blade turns yellow and dies
    Be careful with the fertilizer in the beginning. The plants need very little fertilizer the first 3-4 weeks. You may want to start with ¼ dose and either step up gradually. If you have just fertilized and the plants showing small signs of eutrophication, it is wise to wait a few days before you begin to fertilize again.
    For severe symptoms, it is a good idea to wash the pots thoroughly with clean water. In a 5-liter pot, it may be wise to put 25 liters of water flow through the earth. Not all at once, but about 1-2 gallons at a time. Wait a few minutes, and pour in more water when the pot has drained away.

    Leaves with mild symptoms of eutrophication

    Plant with mild symptoms of eutrophication

    Plants with severe symptoms of eutrophication.

    Over Watering
    It is a common problem among beginners. The soil should be soaked by watering, so that it runs into a little water in bottom. But after this it is important that you let the soil is almost dry before watering again. In this way the roots have taken up the oxygen that plants need. It works poorly to water a little every day. When the lower leaves of the plants start to lag a bit, it's time to water again. If multiple blade rows hangs, it has been getting long and the leaves can become yellow and fall off.
    Here are the plants that are completely saturated with water. The entire root system is wet and the roots can quickly begin to rot, typical signs are that the leaves begin to pale green or yellow. It is fast for the entire plant collapses and dies. To be sure the roots get enough air, it is important the earth containing sand, perlite or expanded clay stone.

    Young plants that have always been in the water.

    Plant that is susceptible to over watering.
    Overheat / Thermal Stress
    Warmed Stress caused by the plant is too hot, usually because the plants are too close to the lamp. The plant can not withstand high temperatures, especially young plants are very sensitive.
    It may look slightly different, depending on how hot it has hosted. Typically, the leaves begin to curl slightly, and there will be yellow or brown spots on leaves or leaf tips.
    The pictures below show typical heat stress, you can see that the leaves have brown tips, with some yellow or brown spots. The injury may be similar to a lot of eutrophication, except that it only occurs at the top of the plant closest to the lamp.

    Leaves showing symptoms of heat stress.

    Sheet as symptoms of heat stress.
    Young embryos often react in that they curl and begin to grow a little weird, and they often get discoloration as shown below.

    Young embryos symptoms of heat stress.
    If it is really hot, the plants look as shown below:

    Plants symptoms of severe heat stress.
    To solve the problem of heat stress, reduce the temperature in the grow room. This is done by increasing the distance from the plants to light or by installing more fans bleed.
    Nutritional Problems
    Lack of one or more nutrients will lead to disease. Here is a review once of the most common nutrients that most often a problem with.
    Mobile nutrients
    The mobile nutrients are nutrients that the plant itself can move around as needed. If the plant lacks one of these nutrients, it will attempt to resolve the problem by taking nutrients from older leaves and move them to new ones.
    The mobile nutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc.
    There will be a bad idea to remove a leaf because it's getting a little yellow. The plant uses this sheet to absorb nutrients. If you remove the blade plant will find another leaf it may take nourishment from. Instead, try to find a more permanent solution to the problem.
    Immobile nutrients
    These drugs can not be moved within the plant, so symptoms will first appear on young leaves and shoots. The immobile nutrients are Svovl, Calcium and Iron. It is not so common that these problems arise. It will only be an appropriate diagnosis if you are using fertilizer without micro coin substances, or as a result, problems associated with other nutrient / PH - problems.
    PH-value and nutrients:
    Plant's ability to absorb nutrients is affected by soil pH value. If this is too high or too low, the plant will struggle to absorb some nutrients. This will often cause more problems if not addressed immediately.
    Typically it can be that you have over fertilized with nitrogen. This causes the pH rises and the plant will have symptoms from both eutrophication and zinc deficiency.
    You have got to keep my head called. If you use fertilizers with micro coin plant substances may not be a shortage of these. The conclusion is then that you have fertilized too much.
    It does not take major changes in the Earth's pH value before the plants react. That's good advice not to use excessive concentration of fertilizer and water you can possibly different each time with clean water.
    It is common for sudden fluctuations in pH (for line fertilization) will prove quickly, sometimes within a few hours in that small spots occur and discolored areas appear on leaves.

    Diagram showing how the pH value affects nutrient absorption.

    With the wrong pH value, the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither.
    Symptoms of food problems
    If the plant lacks nutrients while you are using any kind of fertilizer with micronutrients, the most common plant lacking nitrogen or magnesium. The plant uses a lot of nitrogen in the growth phase, and the problem can be solved by fertilize a little more. Канабис needs a lot of magnesium compared to other houseplants. Many fertilizer mixtures do not contain the amount of magnesium that Канабис needs. This can be solved by adding a little magnesium sulphate as mentioned earlier.
    The other problems are more rare. First check that you do not give your plants too little or too much water, and the plant lacks nitrogen and magnesium, before doing anything dramatic.
    The best solution to these problems will always be to use fertilizers that contain the necessary food and micronutrients. It is best to use a soil and fertilizer that is specially adapted to Канабис. If you do not have the opportunity for this, you can ensure that the substances are present in the soil by adding, for example, basalt and tangmel.
    Nitrogen deficiency
    The plants grow slowly and leaves turn bright green. It often starts on the oldest leaves and moves upward. In time, the leaves have smooth leaves yellow. Problem solved best to fertilize with nitrogen (N).

    Early symptoms of nitrogen deficiency.

    Plants with symptoms of severe nitrogen deficiency.
    Magnesium deficiency
    Magnesium deficiency is quite common. The leaves are first yellow, then they begin to fade. First, between the years of older low-lying leaves, then spreads it out. What is characteristic is that the veins on the leaves remain green.

    Leaves showing symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

    Plants with symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

    Plant with symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
    In severe cases, the leaves begin to unfold in the middle and pointing upwards, in the same manner as eutrophication. If you see symptoms as shown below, you should probably first consider if you give too much fertilization.

    In severe magnesium deficiency leaves begin to unfold.
    Phosphorus deficiency
    If phosphorus deficiency the leaves dark green possibly with traces of red / purple. The leaves curl downward, and begins to die. Phosphorus deficiency means that flowering occurs very slowly with very little top-shot. Typical signs are that the branches and stem of the plant turns red or purple.

    Plant with symptoms of phosphorus deficiency.

    Plant with symptoms of phosphorus deficiency.

    Plant with symptoms of phosphorus deficiency.
    Zinc deficiency
    The leaves begin to turn yellow and fade between the years, newer leaves are often smaller than normal, and there Become a shorter distance between the new shoots on the plant. The blade edge is often uneven and wrinkled.

    Plant with symptoms of zinc deficiency.
    Potassium deficiency
    Potassium helps maintain water and pressed in plant cells. If the plant lacks potassium, the plant stem and branches become weak and fragile, and the leaf tips will curl up and wither. The first drawn is that the discs start to turn yellow before they finally begin to fade. The symptoms will spread if you do not add more fertilizer.


    Plant with symptoms of potassium deficiency.
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