Northern Light

Тема в разделе "Grade of cannabis", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 3/6/14.

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  1. TS
    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    Genotype: mostly Indica
    The THC: 18-24
    Grows B indoors, outdoors, Greenhouse
    The flowering period 7-9 Weeks
    CBD ; 0,23%
    CBN; 0.37%

    Northern Light - this variety is simply created for cultivation in the protected ground. Almost all modern varieties for greenhouses have genes NorthernLight. Due to the excellent ratio of flowers and leaves, compact buds, good harvests and a large amount of resin this amazing plant - the most profitable option for cultivation in the protected ground. The smoke tastes neutral, but intense.

    Grows quickly and powerfully. Fertilizers eat with appetite. On a small peredoz not bother. Buds are thick and Tyazhelye clogged with resin. Leaves very little. The color does not smell at all, you can do without the filter. The effect is powerful indica. Disperse immediately, you and odd to hvastanut still waiting. After a month of polecki smell was expensive tea. Smoke tasty and rich, can chew. Primernosti special unnoticed. Perfect for first grove because of its simplicity and quality of end produce
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