Recipes Ayahuasca

Тема в разделе "Recipes", создана пользователем Charles Darwin, 3/5/14.

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    Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin Guest

    In the past, methods of preparation and the various recipes Ayahuasca was classified by the shamans. Only the elected knew brilliant and correct recipes psychoactive Drink. Only shamans knew which plants you want to use for making Ayahuasca, where to find the plants and herbs, and how to prepare the Drink.


    The stems of Ministerie caapi is the basis for all of the recipes Ayahuasca. For preparation ajuste need to boil the small size of the stems of creepers, and after, boiled leaves mixed with fresh leaves chakruna. The obtained mixture is left to boil on the fire until it turns into a black, thick and horrible-tasting liquid. Psychoactive Drink Ayahuasca is not necessary to be prepared in aluminum cookware, because the mixture is very concentrated and, boiling, can destroy the aluminium and produce inedible aluminium salts.

    There is an interesting Indian recipe of owski.
    According to this recipe, the first stage of making Ayahuasca is crushing 1-2 m trunk of Ministerie caapi into small strips. After, the strips are placed in the pot along with a few liters of water. In the received mix add leaves chaliponga (Diplopterys cabrerana), Gauci (Guayusa) Heliconia (Heliconia stricta), as well as plants of the family Malpighiaceae known as mukuyasku. The mixture is boiled until then, until most of the water has evaporated. As a result of boiling should get a thick dark green or dark-brown liquid.


    Recipe Ecuador.
    For preparation of psychoactive Drink Ayahuasca need to clear the stems of Ministerie caapi from bark, and Pogrebite them on 4-6 stripes. After crushing the stems of creepers, they must mix with the fresh or dried leaves chakrone, and start to boil. A piece of lianas, length 180 cm and 40 leaves chakruna represent the optimal dose for one person in the preparation of Ayahuasca. Although, often, for preparation of psychoactive Drink much less ingredients. In fact, the lower the concentration of the Drink, the less the likelihood of overdose.

    Brazilian prescription.
    For preparation of psychoactive Drink Ayahuasca to be crushed stems of Ministerie caapi, mix them with the leaves of chakruna, and boil for 10 to 12 hours. A pot for cooking ajuste must be free of rust. This point is very important in the process of preparation of psychoactive Drink.

    The Recipe Of Shipibo.
    The Indian tribe of Shipibo there own unique recipe of Ayahuasca. Again, the main ingredient for the preparation of psychoactive Drink is Liana Ministerie caapi. Fresh Liana bark is boiled together with a handful of leaves chakruna and dope. The process of boiling occurs until the transformation of the mixture in a thick broth dark green. This recipe is a particularly effective and high-impact. The use of such substance Drink contributes to strong visions, hallucinations and visiting different reality.
    There are many different recipes Ayahuasca. Many herbal supplements, herbs used in the preparation of psychoactive Drink with the aim of achieving certain psychoactive, stimulating, or medicinal effects. Drinking Ayahuasca, cooked recipe Ecuador, Helps detoxify the body, since it acts as a laxative. Ayahusca, components containing tobacco or same) that can cause delirium and fever. Experienced shamans have a huge Luggage of knowledge about plants and their effects, etc. Therefore, as a rule, in the preparation of Ayahuasca shamans use more than one hundred different plants to achieve certain desired effects of the Drink.

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